Friends of the SMVRR Tour the Museum

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Friends of the Santa Maria Valley Railroad visited the Museum today for a private tour followed by lunch (of course) at Del Monte Cafe (right across the street from the Museum).

After a brief presentation about a new yard project proposal for the Union Pacific RR, the Santa Maria Valley RR, and the Museum in the area south of the Museum, Brad led the group on a tour of the Museum.

Note the Pacific Motor sign in the background on the right. These are original signs left untouched from when cargo for the various named entities were piled beneath their signs awaiting the next leg of their journey. There's a Sears Roebuck sign directly across the Museum from this one.

The Gold Belt Line.

Photos by Jamie Foster.

The only surviving building from roundhouse days.

PMT = Pacific Motor Transport. This trailer is a very rare find from the Southern Pacific's truck transportation arm, with much of the gear in place.

In the La Condesa, parked at the freight house platform. That's a diagram of the car leaning on the wall.

The Central Coast Model Railroad is coming along. Note the old photos of the area being modeled taped to the wall above that area on the model railroad.

This is the San Luis Obispo area of the model where there will be a model of the roundhouse (shown in the large diagram).

Renovation of an area in the middle of the La Condesa has begun in earnest.


Pacific Coast Railway.

Pacific Coast Railway at the Harford Pier.